May 31, 2011

Top Ten Beach Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Top Ten Books That Should Be In A Beach Bag
Your perfect beach reads!

My list is a combination of books that have beach settings and simply books that are perfect to read while relaxing on the beach.

1. Flat-Out Love by Jessica Park -- Though this takes place during the academic year it is a perfect book to dive into during the summer. This is a book that has a bit of everything, but I dare you not to fall in love with the romance.

2. Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson -- This book epitomizes summer as it takes you along on a road trip across the United States. Some tough issues are addressed, but I absolutely love the slowly developing romance between Amy and Roger.

3. Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler -- Amazing beach setting in a brilliant debut novel. It's absolutely gut wrenching at times, but then also funny and sweet. I really adore this one and it's definitely on my summer 'to re-read' list.

4. Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell -- An absolutely hilarious novel that chronicles the travels of Vassar Spore through Southeast Asia. Let's just say that an uptight germaphobe overachiever does not mix well with world travel. Despite all the insanely funny antics this is also a story with an incredible amount of heart.

5. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen -- This is one of my favourite Dessen books, and I loved revisiting the beach town of Colby. The connection between Eli and Auden is amazing.

6. Death by Bikini by Linda Gerber -- The first in the 'Death By' trilogy, this volume features a remote tropical island, a very cute boy, and - oh yes - a murder to solve. A very fun read with a mystery that is intriguing and thrilling.

7. Lovestruck Summer by Melissa Walker -- This book? Don't judge it by its cover. While the book is a perfectly fun and awesome summer read, it's actually centred around the music scene in Austin.

8. Getting Lost With Boys by Hailey Abbott -- Another road trip novel! This was always my favourite of Hailey's 'Boy' books. Light and fluffy and perfect for summer.

9. Sixteenth Summer by Michelle Dalton -- A summer beach setting and a perfectly sweet, but realistic, story about first love.

10. Cruel Summer by Alyson Noel -- Colby starts off as a bit of a brat, but as she spends her summer in Greece she begins to accept herself and the things that have happened in her life. There's a cute romance, and I really enjoyed the setting.

Which books are you taking in your beach bag this summer? I can't wait to check them out.


  1. Haha. Some of these are on my list too and I actually just recommended one yesterday as the perfect summer read. What a coincidence!

  2. So I suck, basically. I haven't read any of these! Blogger FAIL. Thanks for this list though, now I can just print it out and take it with me to the bookstore!

  3. Hmm great list. I will have to look into those. I think I have twenty boy summer in my TBR pile.

  4. I've been wanting to try another Dessen. Maybe I'll try Along for the Ride next.

  5. I'm so flattered to see Flat-Out Love on this elite list! Thank you! (For anyone interested, the book is only available for the Kindle and the Nook at this time, and via Smashwords... A paperback should be coming online, soon.)

  6. You've got some great ones on here -- and some that I don't know so yay! More books for my summer TBR pile. Thanks!
    Mary @ Book Swarm

  7. This list is like Miracle Grow for my TBR pile. I've never heard of Death by Bikini, but anything with a title like that has to be good. :)

  8. What a great list of summer reads! I've read only four of the ones you've listed but I'm always on the lookout for more to check out! :)

  9. This week is such a fun topic. I definitely want to read Along for the Ride sometime. Twenty Boy Summer and Amy & Roger are perfect summer reads too. Carpe Diem and Death by Bikini also sound very intriguing. Awesome summer recs!

  10. I've only read the Sarah Dessen titles, but I looked up a lot of the books and am really excited to check out some of the books. Great list!

  11. Love the list though I haven't read any of them- I have three of the titles sitting in my toppling to-read pile.....

  12. I haven't even heard of Flat-Out Love -- will have to try this one!

  13. good list. I have the Death by series here.. maybe I should actually read them.

  14. I've only read one of the books you listed but I've already set aside a pile of summer reads to read this summer.

  15. Hmmm... I've never read these. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I am looking forward to reading several of those books! I really liked Amy & Roger!

    New follower! :)


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