Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Pages: 360
Series?: He's So/She's So Trilogy #2
Review Source: eARC from S&S GalleyGrab
Synopsis: (from Goodreads)
Ally Ryan, come on down to the Jersey Shore and forget your troubles!
Have you recently been humiliated in front of your friends and family at your former best friend's birthday party? Was your almost boyfriend partly responsible for that humiliation by withholding some vital information about where your estranged father is? Did you come home to find said estranged father sitting on your stoop?
If so, then it sounds like you could use a vacation! The Jersey Shore is the place to be. Your mother may be living with her boyfriend of only a few months, but at least the stunt Shannen pulled has put some of your friends back in your court. Even so, you're still angry and what better way to get over Jake than to blow off some steam with local guy, Cooper? People will hardly recognize your new attitude, but the old one wasn't getting you anywhere, so who cares!
Jake Graydon, an exciting opportunity is waiting for you in the service industry!
Are your grades so low your parents have grounded you for the summer? Did you the girl you really like unceremoniously leave you behind? Would you rather eat dirt than see your friends again? Then a job at the local coffee shop is just the ticket! Surprisingly, Ally's father is the new manager so you get to be reminded of her nearly every day. Maybe it's time to start flirting with your best friend's ex or even taking school a bit more seriously. Especially when you finally see Ally and she's hanging around with some loser and it's couldn't be more clear that she is over you.
Have a great summer!
My Thoughts:
Unfortunately this one failed to dazzle me like its predecessor ‘She’s So Dead To Us’ (SSDTU) did. SSDTU was smart, funny, and witty, and Ally, while not perfect, was spunky, strong, and fun. In this volume, however, Ally is suddenly whiny and rude, and she treats almost everyone completely horribly. This character transformation was incredibly hard to digest. Did bad things happen to her? Yes. Were the things that happened an excuse for her to behave this way? Absolutely not. There were times when I could understand Ally’s attitude, and certain people in certain situations deserved her ire. However Ally treated basically everyone in her life terribly, even those who were trying to care for her, and then she refused to show anger toward her father, the person who actually deserved it. To see Ally make all kinds of bad decisions and have such a bad attitude was so disheartening because in the previous book she almost always took the higher road.
Jake’s voice, in contrast, was a lot more appealing. He seems like such a real teenage guy, which doesn’t always make him the ideal YA love interest, but it does make him interesting and true to life. Jake makes some mistakes in this book as well, but unlike Ally, he seems to fall into them. That’s not to give him an excuse for the things that happen, but at least his narrative shows that he wants to do the right thing. I loved seeing him excited about school, as well.
The best part of the story, I found, were the in between chapter notes from Ally’s friend Annie. Annie has been obsessed with the popular Cresties since her best friend Faith dumped her, and her observations and questions about the elite of her town are absolutely hilarious at times. Is her stalking of them slightly weird? Definitely yes. In fact, at first I thought I would be annoyed with her comments, but as Ally’s voice got more and more irritating, Annie’s lighthearted tone really made the book for me.
Will I read the third book in this trilogy? Yes, absolutely. I still adore Kieran Scott, and I have faith that Ally’s character will be redeemed in the third book as she (hopefully) deals with the anger she has toward her father, and adjusts to the changes in her life. I’m also looking forward to seeing how the cliffhanger from the last page works itself out. I actually saw the ending coming, yet it still shocked me, just the way it was written. I have my suspicions of what actually happened, but it will be absolutely delicious seeing it all play out. If you liked the first book it's worth checking this one out, but I would go into it with a bit of trepidation: at least that way you might be a bit less disappointed than I was.
Find He's So Not Worth It by Kieran Scott on Goodreads, Book Depository, &
That's too bad about Ally, I hate when characters have an attitude adjustment for the worse and even though you can understand where it's coming from, it's still frustrating. I'm sure like you said, she'll grow again in the last book and hopefully things will be different!
ReplyDeleteSorry you didnt like it as much. I read SSDTU a couple weeks ago and I just finsihed this book today and I loved it. Annie's journal entries was a definite highlighht for me too... I love her observations mixed in with her humor and snark.